What About Us?, which appropriately is the title of a 1963 single by Liverpool group The Undertakers, is a show not about the big names, but about the others. It looks at those artists on both sides of the Atlantic who may not have achieved any chart hits, or had one big hit or managed to make the upper end of the charts before disappearing, but were still very much a part of the recording scene of the sixties.
It covers those artists who turned out singles between 1962, the year that both The Beatles and The Beach Boys first entered the charts, and 1969, the end of the sixties. Often singles achieved local success or were heard only a few times but people still liked them and those are the songs that regularly get trampled under or forgotten. What About Us remembers those songs and artists with a view to introducing listeners to songs or groups they have never heard or have not heard in a good long time. In this regard, it’s not The Same Old Song.